Twister Root Burger Co. (Plano, Texas)


Estuve unos días en Plano, Texas, y las ganas de comer una hamburguesa eran grandes. Debo ser honesto mi idea era ir a Shake Shack sin embargo, me recomendaron este lugar así que decidí darle una oportunidad. 

El lugar por dentro parece algo descuidado, algunos sillones rotos, platos en la mesa sin recoger, el wifi no funcionaba.... pero bueno ya estaba ahí.  

De todas las opciones del menú hicimos dos pedidos: All American y la Low in the buff. La segunda más cara que la primera y la primera más deliciosa que la segunda.

La verdad me sorprendió que en un lugar así la opción básica como es una hamburguesa americana: normalmente, carne, bacon, lechuga, tomate, queso, supiera tan bien. 

Si van por este lugar: All American all the way! 


A spent a few days in Plano, Texas and when you get hit by that feeling, you know, the one that tells you: You need a burger. It is hard to resist so I had to look for a place.

To be honest, I knew there was a newly opened Shake Shack in town however, someone recommended me this place then after a couple of thoughts I decided to give it a try. It is part of the wandering, I said.

The place inside seems to be a little low care, ripped seats, leftovers on the tables, wifi didn't work... anyway still decided to give it an opportunity.

From all the options in the menu, we decided to order: the All american and the Low in the Buff. The latter more expensive, the first one more tasty.

I was surprised that in a place like this, the basic option: bacon, meat, cheese, lettuce and tomate were so tasty and delicious.

If you run into this place: All American all the way!